7 Homemade Brown Sugar Scrub Recipes
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Turn your home into a spa with these simple brown sugar scrub recipes. Get rid of dead skin buildup and get your glow on with just a few ingredients, all of which are good enough to eat. Plus, you’ll shine all the more brightly after considering how much money you saved!

What are the Benefits of Sugar Scrub?
You treat yourself to some real benefits by making a brown sugar body scrub part of your skincare routine. Sugar is a cheap all-natural exfoliator. It physically exfoliates dead skin cells, removes dirt, and clears clogged pores.
Make your skin brighter and younger by using these scrubs. Sugar is a natural humectant that leaves your skin beautifully hydrated. The combination of sugar and oils in these recipes makes them ultra-moisturizing.
Sugar is the best chemical-free scrub for sensitive skin, mainly because it has a smaller, more smooth particle shape than salt. It simultaneously nourishes and moisturizes while exfoliating too. (3)
Furthermore, we can’t forget the incredible savings you’ll benefit from by making your own sugar scrub compared with the store-bought variety.
Sugar scrubs make an easy natural skin care treatment you can do at home.
How to Make Brown Sugar Scrub
It’s almost too simple to make your own luscious sugar scrub. Just mix brown sugar with a carrier oil, like coconut oil, and you could stop right there.
Some recipes call for honey, adding even more moisture to the sugar scrub. Mix in vanilla, lavender, mint, or other yummy scents to heighten your olfactory experience.
Mix the scrub thoroughly, then place it in an airtight container. Finally, label the jar and keep it in your shower. It does not need to be refrigerated. How amazing?!
How to Use Brown Sugar Scrub
Use your brown sugar scrub on your body in the shower. First, scoop out a spoonful using a clean utensil and avoid contaminating your scrub with bacteria. Hygienic practices ensure your scrub will last for as long as possible, usually about a month.
Rub the oily sugar onto your skin using circular motions for about one minute. There is no need to let the sugar dissolve first. Make sure you are not exfoliating to the point of irritation or red skin.
Rinse off in the shower and feel fabulous! Or take a bath using our DIY Bath Confetti with Rice Paper and pamper yourself even more.
DIY Sugar Scrub FAQ
The brown sugar face scrub is a delicious treat for your face. Sugar is a gentler scrub than salt. Use sugar scrubs sparingly on your face because the skin is so delicate. Being more liberal on your lips is fine because the thicker skin can handle regular exfoliation.
Brown sugar scrubs are ideal for lip treatments. Making a lip scrub is more or less the same as brown sugar body scrubs. It’s a simple combination of sugar and oil, plus optional essential oils of your choice.
Typically, sugar scrub lasts for about a month if stored properly in a water-proof container. Scoop your sugar scrub out with clean hands or a clean utensil to keep it bacteria-free.
Homemade Body Scrub Recipes with Brown Sugar
There’s a reason that brown sugar body scrubs are all the rage these days. They leave the skin looking and feeling amazing without any chemicals. So make it at home and get all the benefits of the fancy, department store scrubs, but pay 95% less!