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13 Budget-Friendly Things To Do With Kids This Summer

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Even though summer is short, it can seem like it drags on forever if the kids don’t have enough to do. Try these ideas for things to do with kids to help entertain them and keep them happy while school is out without breaking the bank.

Five children lying on the grass with their legs raised in the air, wearing colorful clothes and shoes.

Free Activities

The more free activities you can find, the more things you can do. A lot of activities have no cost involved and kids often enjoy them just as much as more expensive things. Why spend money when you don’t have to?

The Library

Let children decide on a topic of interest and head to the library to find books. The librarians can help your children find what they are looking for and may offer additional suggestions that are related.

Kids can also check out books to read for fun independently, as a family, or for bedtime stories. Some libraries also have things that can be checked out such as telescopes and microscopes. Many libraries have summer reading programs or activities for kids. See your local library for details.


Research nearby trails and head out for a hike. Make sure to wear proper shoes and take plenty of water. While on your hike, have a nature scavenger hunt. Have your kids look for certain shapes or colors in nature. If your kids are older, look up local plants, animals, and bugs you might see. Let your children look for specific wildlife. 

The Park

If you live in an area that doesn’t get too hot, spend time outside each day and get some vitamin D. Lather up with sunscreen first, of course. Most cities have parks with playgrounds and open fields for kids to get their energy out and play with other kids. Some parks also offer free organized activities. Check your city or county’s website to see if they have any free programs offered.

We’re lucky that we live near a beautiful park with plenty of shade. My kids and I spend an hour or two at the park daily during summertime, and we aim to do something new each day. Here are a few fun activities that kids can do at a park:

A group of adults and children hula hooping together on a grassy field in a park on a sunny day.

Playground: Kids have plenty of energy, and a playground is the perfect place to burn some of that energy off. Let them climb, swing, slide, and play imaginative games. It’s also great for getting some social interaction with other kids!

Picnic: Pack a delicious lunch and head to the park for a fun picnic. Spread out a blanket, enjoy the fresh air, and enjoy some kid-friendly snacks. My kids always request that I bring some of my Bahama Mama Tropical Smoothie to help beat the heat!

Nature Exploration: Take time to go on a leisurely walk along the park’s nature trails. Encourage kids to observe plants, insects, and wildlife they encounter along the way. Not only will the little ones learn a lot, but it’s a great way to bond with your children.

Bird Watching: Bird watching is another fun park activity to try. Bring binoculars and a bird guidebook and encourage the kids to try to spot different bird species!

Sports and Games: My children and I love to play outdoor games at the park for some exercise. We like playing catch, tag, frisbee, or soccer. Don’t forget to pack the equipment and a change of clothes!

Sidewalk Chalk Art: Another activity that kids will love doing at a park is drawing on the pavement. All they need is their creativity and some sidewalk chalk. Just make sure to ask permission from a park official first!

Scavenger Hunt

Scavenger hunts can be as simple or as complex as you want them to be. To keep it simple, have one inside or in your yard. Have kids look for specific objects or collect items of a certain color, shape, or size. It can also be fun to go around the neighborhood and look for specific items (blue house, orange flower, basketball hoop, etc.). While in the car, have kids look for words that start with each letter of the alphabet in order or keep track of license plates.

“All of my kids have loved doing scavenger hunts in the backyard and on walks. This is literally about as budget-friendly as you can get. Sometimes we collect items based on color (brown, green, etc.) Other times we print off a free scavenger hunt page and look for specific things like a blue car or a grey pigeon, checking them off when we see them. We’ve enjoyed this activity in downtown areas and even in the middle of nowhere!”

— Sarita Harbour, Thrive at Home
Three children painting at a table outdoors.

Water Painting

Use paint brushes and water to paint the driveway, a wooden fence, patio or deck. This activity can keep little ones busy for quite a while. As the water dries in the sun, the same area can be painted again. 

Michael’s Classes

Most Michael’s stores offer free projects for kids and adults once a week. Check the website, call your local store, or ask a staff member for more details. 

Lowe’s and Home Depot Workshops

Both Lowe’s and Home Depot offer free projects once a month at most locations. Most stores require advanced registration. Check the website, call your local store or ask a staff member for more details.

Low-Cost Activities

Some activities will cost money, of course, but you don’t have to spend all your cash on one outing or activity. Keep your kids busy with as many free activities as you can, but sometimes you may have to fork over some dough. Your teens may also be looking for something to do too, so check out this list of activities for teens.

Kids Bowl Free

Kids Bowl Free is an international program that was “designed by bowling centers to give back to the community and provide a safe, secure, and fun way for kids to spend time.” Games are free, but shoe rental is usually required and costs a few dollars each. Age limits and costs vary by location. Check on the Kids Bowl Free website to see if your local bowling center is participating. 

Two young children are in a garden, surrounded by colorful flowers.

Plant a Garden

Buy some seeds and start a small garden. Let your kids choose what they want to grow and learn about how to take care of the plants together. Start with a small container garden or a small section of an existing flower bed. Water as necessary and eat your harvest when it’s time. Make a small salad or vegetable tray with your harvest to celebrate.

In our case, my kids wanted to learn how to start an herb garden. We started with some basil, cilantro, parsley, mint, and sage. We used our harvest of sage leaves to make our favorite chocolate sage ice cream and my kids felt proud and accomplished! If it’s too hot out where you live, perhaps you can try to create an indoor herb garden.

Make a Treat

Depending on how hot it is where you live, you may want to avoid using the oven. Make a treat such as homemade ice cream or no-bake Corn Flake Cookies so you won’t heat the house. Practice reading and following a recipe and using measuring cups and spoons while working together. Let the kids choose the recipe online or from a cookbook. Have your children choose who to share the treat with such as a grandparent, friend or neighbor.

A few summers ago, my kids and I started a tradition to make sweet treats and distribute them among our neighbors. We always go with no-bake desserts or 5-ingredient desserts so we can quickly make them in batches. Here are a few dessert ideas you can make with your little ones:

Banana Oatmeal Cookies

Put together 3 treats that kids love – bananas, peanut butter, and oats, then make them into one delicious cookie! No need for eggs, too, and you can add a little bit of sea salt on top to enhance the already delicious flavor. Try this or any of my other 3-ingredient cookies without flour.

Italian Sponge Cake

This is my kids’ favorite among my 3-ingredient cake recipes because it’s easy to make and they love decorating it after. This recipe only calls for eggs, flour, and sugar. It’s light and airy, perfect for any season!

Chocolate Coconut Milk Ice Cream

Chocolate and coconut milk? Yes please! One of my personal favorites from my 3-ingredient ice cream recipes, you only need dark chocolate, coconut milk, and maple syrup to make this delicious vegan option. My kids love making this into an ice cream sandwich!

Souffle Cheesecake

Sounds fancy right? But it’s so easy to make! Like my other 3-ingredient cheesecake recipes, this delicious treat only requires 3 easy ingredients – eggs, cream cheese, and sweetened condensed milk. My kids love making this cake because they can customize it according to their preferences.

Cinnamon Roll Apple Pie Cups

My family is a big fan of apple desserts. Our go-to is my 2-ingredient cinnamon roll apple pie cups – you only need cinnamon rolls and apple pie filling! A hearty dessert perfect for fall, but also great for any other season.

Go Geocaching

If your kids like hunting for treasure, they will enjoy Geocaching. Download the Geocaching app to see where geocaches near you are located. Have your children help decide which geocaches to find and use the app to navigate to them. Bring a pen so you can sign the logbook located inside.

Geocaches come in all shapes and sizes so look at the recent activity to find clues. Some geocaches have treasures inside to be traded so bring something to trade, just in case. Others have trackables, which move from geocache to geocache. 

Three young children play outdoors with a water table, surrounded by greenery.

Water Table Or Backyard Pool

Set up different water activities in the backyard with containers and materials you already have. Save plastic containers and wash them out so they can be used for water play. Poke small holes in the bottoms of some to make it interesting. Add a small pool or sprinkler attachment to make it even more fun. 

“We love to create a DIY water play area in our backyard to keep our young kids busy during the summer. We use inexpensive materials like plastic tubs, hoses, and sprinklers to create different water activities such as a kiddie pool, a water balloon station, and even a backyard car wash where the kids use sponges and water to clean their toy cars. These activities provide hours of entertainment and help keep the kids cool throughout the day.”

— Sara Nelson, Real Balanced

Summer Movies

Many theaters offer low-cost kids’ movies early in the day during the summer. The movies are usually a few years old so the price of tickets is lower than new-release movie tickets. Call or check online for more information about what your local theater is offering.

Final Thoughts

Keeping kids busy in the summer doesn’t have to cost a lot. Start with the ideas above and go from there. Talk with your friends and neighbors to see what they are doing with their children. It is also important to remember to let kids use their imagination and have some downtime as well.

Remember, rested kids are happy kids, which means you’re setting them up for back-to-school success. Summer will go fast, so get out and enjoy it!

Portions of this article originally appeared on Food Drink Life.

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  1. Thanks to your ideas, I took my kids geocaching. I had never thought to do that with them! They absolutely loved it and we found a few cool things.

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